After Dark

Flat Feet

Flat feet, known medically as Pes Planus, are commonly seen on examining children and some adults. 

Though essentially a normal finding, and generally nothing to be concerned about, they can cause pain on walking or running and it is very common for us to find that children and young adults who complain of sore legs, hips or backs whilst exercising have flat feet.  This simple article is intended to help you understand flat feet and to treat yourself.  If you have symptoms that do not improve quickly, please see your doctor.

Why do we get Earache?

Why do we get Earache?


We are often asked why children (and occasionally adults) get earache. So, to answer demand, here is our guide to why ears ache...

First, a little detour into normal ear anatomy is required:

In the normal ear, the ear drum completely blocks the ear canal. Not even air can pass through it.




This page deals with acute earache (pain of less than 72 hours' duration). Longer term earache always needs a medical opinion but you can treat it in the same way until you do get to see a doctor (soon).




Fever is a term used in many different ways. Some people mean it to be just a temperature, others mean shivering or hot and cold or flu-like symptoms.

Pain Relief for Children

Pain Relief for Children


We often see children in pain from various causes. This page provides the correct doses of medication for children in pain.

Firstly, please note that, except in the case of suspected trauma to the upper airways, it is ALWAYS a good idea to give appropriate medication to a child in pain. This never affects our ability to diagnose a problem and often helps.

Pain in Adults

 Pain Relief for Adults

 There are many painful conditions which can cause problems after the surgery has closed. The most common painful conditions causing adults to see a doctor after hours are:



 Cough is a very common and distressing symptom with many causes. By far the most common cause is a viral infection. Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia are the most common of the non-viral causes. 

Sadly, cough is very difficult to treat. A cough is protective in nature, clearing mucus and foreign materiel from the airways and the body resists efforts to suppress it.


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